Objective Morality, Moral Relativism, and the Relevance of Morality.

I’m currently undergoing a major assignment paper in my Atheism, Skepticism and Religious Faith course. In this paper I will be analyzing a handful of arguments presented on the topic of objective morality as it relates to political decision making.

For example:

Should Western governments take action on the countries endorsing gender inequality in the Middle East? 

The two approaches I will be discrediting are:

1: The moral relativist answer to this question.

2. The answer that attempts to explain why there is an objective moral code in the universe that condemns these actions.

Then, I will be providing what I believe to be a sufficient argument to justify a political action such as, though not necessarily, intervention on cultures with opposing values: An answer that ignores the concept of being objectively right or wrong.

Some authors that will be referenced: Harris, Huntington, Hume, Fukuyama, among others.

Would you be interested in me posting such a paper? Leave a comment.